Friday, January 6, 2012

Some people make resolutions in the New Year, some have goals that they want to achieve, and some carve out a new path. New Year's resolutions are a great way to focus your brain on what you want to accomplish in the coming year. The more time you spend pondering and writing down your goals, the more you engage in the process and the better are your chances of reaching them.
Anyone can make resolutions or have goals, but how do you achieve them? Recent research shows that while 52% of participants in a resolution study were confident of success with their goals, only 12% actually achieved their goals. A separate study in 2007 by Richard Wisemen from the University of Bristol showed that 78% of those who set New Year resolutions fail (from Wikipedia).
Under these situations, is there a method that one can use to achieve goals?
You start by recognising that this goal achieving process involves Change…..Be prepared for Change….Then the ABCDE as below may help:

Anger – Surprised? How is Anger related to achieving goals? A study at a University in Netherlands, describes how anger makes people actually want things more. What this means is that anger is a very powerful motivation. Something like Kolaveri………. It actually translates to achieving the goal ‘with a vengeance’.

Believe – Now this is a word that we have heard over and over. Self Belief is the most important factor that will help in achieving goals. I mean, what chances do you have if you think you cannot achieve what you want? Napoleon Hill said “whatever the mind can conceive, and Believe; it can achieve”. So the adhesive between achievement and dream is “BELIEF”

Commitment - Are you emotionally committed to your goals? Your commitment to your goals plays a significant part in achieving them. Make a personal commitment and if relevant share with a trusted one about your commitment to achieve this goal. When you make a commitment, when you hit the rough spots, your immediate reaction is “how can I solve them?” and this is good.

Discipline – Daily discipline is tantamount to have measure progress and stick on the path. You have to be disciplined about passionately reaching your goal.

Enthusiasm (Excitement) – In order to reach your goals, you have to be enthusiastic about it. The goals should kindle excitement inside you. If visiting the gym regularly is your goal, I bet you will get bored after sometime. Experts suggest that the exercise routines are varied on a regular basis. Create enthusiasm when you talk about, or think about your goal

Follow through – Always take stock of where you have reached since you have started. A regular follow through will help in making any course correction that may be necessary.

Happy Goal Achieving!

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